About Us

Beyond Ministry was founded by Jessica Onsaga. She was a nobody from nowhere; then she discovered she was a son of God! Since then, she has been on a radical journey of discovering her identity and growing a personal friendship with Jesus. Over the last 10 years, Jessica and her husband, Gonzo, have been intentional about helping the body of Christ grow and mature in their identity and relationship with God. Now, their primary focus is homeschooling their two daughters on the family farm. In their spare time, Jessica and Gonzo travel as a team ministering to the body of Christ through worship and teaching.
Why call it “Beyond Ministry”? Well, our journey with Yahweh is infinite…beyond what we can think or imagine! To love and be loved by Yahweh is the greatest joy and adventure in all the universe. In our journey with Him, we will be taken beyond our walls, boxes, and expectations! We never “arrive” in our spiritual journey. We have joined the eternal love dance with Jesus and the journey is INFINITE. And yes, our journey with Him IS beyond ministry. God did not create us because He needed our work or money. In Ephesians 1:4-5, we see that Yahweh wanted FAMILY (not slaves), so naturally our journey with Jesus will be beyond ministry. 
The purpose of this site and ministry is to provide resources, networking, tools, and more for the sons of God who are looking for more. In Jessica’s personal journey, she has found many books and messages that transformed her life. She loves helping people get past their soul blocks and boxes so they can find more freedom, healing, and truth in Jesus. This site is compilation of many of the things that have helped Jessica in her journey. 
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